An eventful and intensive Keil 80 anniversary year is drawing to a close. The year was marked by numerous activities: it started with a ten-week artist-in-residence program at the Xylon Museum in Schwetzingen – at the end of this phase, there was the large studio exhibition “Peter Keil macht Druck! This year we were also represented by Peter Robert Keil at Art Karlsruhe, where we repeatedly met new fans who were spontaneously enthusiastic about his art. Of course, loyal Keil fans also came to Galerie P13’s bunk to view the latest works.
The absolute highlight of this year was the anniversary exhibition “IchFarbe – ein Maler sagt ich” in the Ottheinrichsbau in Heidelberg Castle from 1 to 3 October 2022. The extensive supporting program, the presentation of the new Keil 80 book and the presentation of the latest works from the Schwetzingen phase delighted the public. A detailed review of the exhibition can be found on our homepage at the appropriate places.
Peter Robert Keil was very taken with the whole anniversary year himself and took the liberty of addressing a few lines to the fan community.
The Keil Collection Heidelberg would also like to thank everyone who helped to shape and support this anniversary year. Special thanks also go to the loyal fan community who, through one purchase or another, create the economic basis to host such an anniversary year.
The Keil Collection Heidelberg wishes you a happy holiday season and all the best for the coming year!