More than 100 visitors came to celebrate the opening of the temporary Keil Gallery in the centre of Berlin on December 7.
The new Keil-Gallery received overwhelming response. During the opening night, numerous visitors from near and far squeezed into the newly created Gallery venue in Berlin, Potsdamer Straße 98a. The centrepiece was the impressive artwork of Peter Keil, which is perfectly well arranged at the venue and exposes its exquisiteness (hung up by Henrik Börger). The visitors highly appreciated that Keil was brought back to Berlin in a wonderful setting for his artwork.
In his opening remarks, Wilhelm Kampik of Keil Collection Heidelberg described it as the return of a “newly wild” to Berlin and characterized his return as a sign for the creative dynamism which Berlin still holds – despite the growing competition in Leipzig. Hannes Fernow, an art expert, recognized that the supposed anachronism of Keil’s revealingly striking work goes hand in hand with perpetuity and universal validity.
Until late at night our numerous visitors absorbed Keil’s clashing colours. As always, his passionate paintings caused a powerfully vivid atmosphere and intense discussions.
Our visitor’s phenomenal interest was manifested in the fact that during the opening night 3 pieces of art were sold to fascinated customers – with more to follow.
Our conclusion: A perfect start in Berlin!
A few impressions of the opening and the new Keil-Gallery.

Wilhelm Kampik eröffnet die Galerie

Hannes Fernow ordnet Keil kunsthistorisch ein

Unter den Gästen: Dr. Ulrike Oppelt (links), Autorin des ersten Buches über Keil: Keil – Lust und Leidenschaft, und erste Kuratorin der Keil Collection Heidelberg

Aufmerksame Zuhörer

Gespräche über die Gemälde

Rechts: Henrik Börger, der die Hängung besorgte

Wilhelm Kampik im Gespräch mit einem Sammler, der eigens aus Österreich angereist war

Die “Schatzkammer”

Typisch Berlin – vor der Galerie ist in der Galerie

Der Enthusiasmus der Interpretation

Raum, in dem sich Kunst entfalten kann

Karlsruher Majolika vor neueren Studien


Neuere Werke vor Skizzen

Berliner Motiv